Update on COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) To: Our Sponsors, CROs, Patients, and Employees
The safety of our staff and study participants, as well as sponsor/CRO staff and vendor representatives is of paramount importance and is the driving force behind every decision we make related to the management and containment of COVID-19. In the spirit of communication, we are providing this information to advise you of the steps we have taken and are taking at ERG. This is by no means an exhaustive list of the measures taken but outlines the highlights of our program. For many of you, this complements the communication you are already receiving directly from our sites related to your specific project.
- On February 21, we established the COVID-19 Crisis Management Team (CMT) with representatives from each ERG site. The team is monitoring the evolving situation and providing guidance and communication to our patients and employees to ensure their safety. The CMT is meeting daily and updates staff across all sites on actions being taken – including risk mitigation and sharing of best practices.
- On February 28, our COVID-19 Containment Policy was implemented across all sites.
- As Remote Monitoring Visits have been requested, ERG sites are proceeding in cooperation with sponsors and CRO representatives.
- The Visitor Screening Tool Kit is in use at all sites.
- A Coronavirus information sheet for Clinical Trial Subjects was sent to our entire trial subject database.
- Travel for all ERG staff has been restricted and all non-clinical staff have been approved to work remotely.
- Each ERG site has been provided additional cleaning and disinfecting supplies.
- Phone pre-screening continues, but in-clinic pre-screens have been halted at most sites and will be reviewed weekly.
- We have restricted on-site monitoring visits that require air travel – local monitors are being accepted, but they must submit to screening.
- We have reinforced internal communication regarding the COVID-19 situation, CDC and SHRM recommendations, digital team meetings and the importance of using sick leave.
We will continue to monitor the situation, coordinate with the proper authorities, and update our policies and procedures as needed to ensure the safety of our patients and employees. You have our sincere gratitude for your unwavering patience, support and understanding as we navigate our way through this unprecedented global health crisis.