Our Experts
Work with Industry Thought Leaders at Every Stage of Your Clinical Research Study
With so much at stake, you want the best minds focused on your clinical trial. ERG delivers, with teams of experts working on every facet.
Nitendra Agarwal, MD
Internal Medicine
Glen Apseloff, MD
Abuse Liability/Clin Pharm
Mark Brody, MD
Keith Candiotti, MD
Andria Chastain
Andrew Cutler, MD
Clay Dehn, MS
Metabolism/NASH/Clin Pharm
Emanuel DeNoia, MD
Phase 1/Internal Medicine
Stacy Dilzer
Clin Pharm/Renal/Hepatic
Bernadette D’Souza, MD
Judith Dunn, PhD
Drug Development/CNS
Angela Eakin, MD
Phase 1/Family Medicine
Ellen Fields, MD
Drug Development/Regulatory
Ana Fuquay
Alzheimer’s Disease/Neurology
Holly George, RPH, CCP
Daniel Gruener, MD
Sharon, Hertz, MD
George Konis, MD
Psychiatry/Addiction/Internal Medicine
Luke Kramer
Patient Advocate
David Leiman, MD
Acute & Chronic Pain/Anesthesiology
Suresh Mallikaarjun, MD
Drug Development/Clin Pharm
William Martin, PhD
Drug Development/CNS
Harold Minkowitz, MD
Acute & Chronic Pain/Anesthesiology
Ashley Poole
Alexander Prezioso, MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology/Phase 1
Denise Roberts, RN
Pain/NASH/ General Medical
Steve Romano, MD
Drug Development/CNS
Janeen Rosales, MS, CCRC
Phase 1/Special Populations
Dennis Ruff, MD
Phase 1/Internal Medicine
Sherwyn Schwartz, MD
Stephen Thein, PhD
Daniel Umbricht, MD
Translational Medicines/CNS
Kimberly Vanover, PhD
Drug Development/CNS
Richard Walovitch, MD
Peter J. Weiden, MD
Lori Wright
Denise Roberts
Pain/NASH/General Medical
Janeen Rosales
Phase 1/Special Populations
Luke Kramer
Patient Advocate
Clayton Dehn
Metabolism/NASH/Clin Pharm
- Vice President of Clinical Pharmacology Services at Evolution Research Group
- Published in numerous peer-reviewed journal articles
- Conducted 160+ Phase I-IV clinical trials with challenging population inclusive of Diabetes, Vulvovaginal Candidiasis, Healthy Volunteers, Hypogonadal, Liver Disease, Coronary Artery Disease, NASH, Postpartum Depression, Alzheimer’s, and many other medical as well as psychiatric indications
- Commissioner of the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission, Editor-In-Chief of Series of Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism and Editorial Board Member of various well-established journals
Dr. Paul Michael Ramirez
Ratings Expert, Rater Training
Dr. Sherwyn Schwartz
Dr. Bernadette D’Souza
Dr. Daniel Umbricht
Translational Medicine/CNS
Dr. Judith Dunn
Drug Development/CNS
Dr. Andrew Cutler
Psychiatry/ Neurology/Addiction
Dr. Kimberly Vanover
Drug Development/CNS
Dr. William Martin
Drug Development/CNS
Andria Chastain
Dr. Harold Minkowitz
Chronic Pain
Dr. David Leiman
Acute and Chronic Pain
Dr. Steve Romano
Drug Development/CNS
Glen Apseloff, MD
Clinical Pharmacology / Human Abuse Potential
- Founder and Investigator of Ohio Clinical Trials
- Board Certified in Clinical Pharmacology
- Holds degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Ohio State University College of Medicine
- Held multiple teaching positions in clinical pharmacology
- Served on the editorial board of 3 peer review journals
- 30+ years of clinical research experience
- Participated in hundreds of studies
- Authored over a hundred abstracts and publications
- Holds two use patents
Dr. Suresh Mallikarjun
Drug Development/Clin Pharm
Dr. Stephen Thein
Dr. Mark Brody
Dr. Sarah Atkinson
Psychiatry Adult/Pediatric
Dr. Daniel Gruener
Psychiatry/ Pain/Addiction